We offer the following type of integration with MYOB AccountRight:
Q: How are packages and dimensions handled?
A: Your warehouse team will input the packages directly in MachShip when processing the consignment.
Q: Can you customize the order filters?
A: Yes, we can customize which orders sync based on status and other criteria to match your workflow.
Q: Can you write shipping details back to MYOB AccountRight?
A: Yes, we write back consignment numbers and tracking links to the comments field on your orders.
Q: How quickly are changes synchronized?
A: We sync in both directions:
Q: Can the integration be customized for our specific needs?
A: Yes, we have extensive customization capabilities including status filters, field mappings, and workflow adjustments. Contact our integrations team with your requirements.
Q: What versions of MYOB AccountRight are supported?
A: We support current versions of MYOB AccountRight. Contact our integrations team to confirm compatibility with your specific version.
All integrations are completed by our in-house integrations team that specializes in setting up integrations with MYOB AccountRight.
The process for getting your integration setup is:
Our specialist integrations team will work with you to confirm the scope of your integration and ensure it will perform how you expect.
Approval - From there, you will be provided with a quote for any associated integration implementation costs for approval.
Implementation - Once approved, implementation will begin. We will need:
Handover & Testing - Once completed, we will let you know and you can conduct your own testing to confirm everything is working as expected.
Q: How long does it take to setup my integration?
Most MYOB AccountRight integrations can be setup inside of 2-3 business days from when we receive system access.
Q: Am I able to setup the integration myself?
We do not currently offer self-setup for our integrations due to the amount of customisation and testing required when linking your integration to your MachShip account.
Q: My requirements differ from what you've laid out, can you customise the integration?
We do have the ability to customise our integrations for each client to a large degree.
Simply reach out to our integrations team at clientintegrations@machship.com with your requirements and we will let you know what we can do.