Receiver & Third-Party Pays


MachShip supports charging consignments to a third party or receiver instead of the sender. This guide explains how to create receiver-pays consignments using the MachShip API.


Required Fields

To create a receiver-pays consignment, you must provide EITHER:

  • receiverAccountCode: The receiver's account code with the carrier
  • receiverAccountId: The saved receiver account ID in MachShip

Additionally, you must include:

  • carrierId: The carrier's ID
  • carrierAccountId: The sender's carrier account ID

Example Request

  "carrierId": 11,
  "carrierServiceId": 123,
  "carrierAccountId": 456,
  "companyCarrierAccountId": 789,
  "receiverAccountCode": "REC123",

  "items": [
      "itemType": "Carton",
      "name": "Test Item",
      "quantity": 1,
      "height": 10,
      "weight": 10,
      "length": 10,
      "width": 10
  "fromName": "Warehouse",
  "fromContact": "John Smith",
  "fromPhone": "1234567890",
  "fromEmail": "",
  "fromAddressLine1": "123 Sender St",
  "fromLocation": {
    "suburb": "Melbourne",
    "postcode": "3000"
  "toName": "Receiver Corp",
  "toContact": "Jane Doe",
  "toPhone": "0987654321",
  "toEmail": "",
  "toAddressLine1": "456 Receiver Ave",
  "toLocation": {
    "suburb": "Sydney",
    "postcode": "2000"


Company Setup

Before using receiver-pays functionality:

  1. The sending company must be configured to allow receiver-pays consignments
  2. The carrier account must support receiver-pays bookings
  3. The receiver's account details must be valid with the carrier

Contact MachShip support for assistance with configuring receiver-pays capabilities for your account.