Cin7 Core (formerly DEAR) Integration


We offer the following type of integration with Cin7 Core (formerly DEAR):

  • Order Syncing - the automated pushing of orders/shipments from Cin7 Core into MachShip.

Note: This integration is specifically for Cin7 Core (formerly DEAR), not Cin7 Omnis, which is a separate product.

Order Syncing Integration

Order Syncing Workflow

  1. We search Cin7 Core for any modified orders that are "PICKED"
    • This filter can be adjusted to suit your workflow (e.g., PACKED status)
    • We can handle backorders and partial picks
  2. We create a pending consignment in MachShip from each Sale Fulfilment with:
    • Warehouse and customer details
    • Sales Order number as reference
    • Optional SKU mapping with dimensions
    • Optional carrier mapping from Cin7 Core ship methods
  3. Order is picked and packed by warehouse
  4. Warehouse opens MachShip and searches for the order using Cin7 Core order number
  5. Warehouse team adds or confirms packages based on your configuration:
    • Manual package entry by warehouse team
    • Pre-filled from MachShip SKU dimensions
    • Pre-filled from Cin7 Core item dimensions
  6. Warehouse team select a carrier service, or simply use cheapest
  7. Once consignment manifested, we update Cin7 Core with tracking details
  8. Order is marked as SHIPPED

Order Syncing FAQs

Q: How are packages and dimensions handled?

A: You have three options:

  1. Warehouse team manually inputs packages (most common)
  2. Pre-fill using dimensions stored in MachShip
  3. Pre-fill using dimensions from Cin7 Core items

Q: Can you handle partial orders and backorders?

A: Yes, our integration is designed to handle both partial picks and backorders effectively.

Q: Can you map our shipping methods to specific carriers?

A: Yes, we can map Cin7 Core ship methods to specific MachShip carriers and services, or default to using the cheapest available carrier.

Important Info

  • Standard sync timing:
    • Orders take up to 5 minutes to sync to MachShip
    • Shipping updates take 3-5 minutes to sync back to Cin7 Core
  • For near-instant order syncing, Cin7 Core offers a webhooks add-on (additional fee required)
    • With webhooks, orders sync to MachShip instantly
    • Return syncing to Cin7 Core still takes 3-5 minutes
  • This integration is specifically for Cin7 Core (formerly DEAR), not Cin7 Omnis

Cin7 Core FAQs

Q: How quickly are changes synchronized?

A: By default, we check for updates every 5 minutes. For instant order syncing, you can use Cin7 Core's webhooks add-on.

Q: Can the integration be customized for our specific needs?

A: Yes, we have extensive customization capabilities including status filters, field mappings, and workflow adjustments. Contact our integrations team with your requirements.

Q: Can we use different workflows for different types of orders?

A: Yes, we can configure different workflows based on order status, warehouse location, or other criteria to match your shipping requirements.

Integration Setup Process

All integrations are completed by our in-house integrations team that specializes in setting up integrations with Cin7 Core.

The process for getting your integration setup is:

  1. Scoping - Reach out to our integrations team at - note, if you're using MachShip via a broker, please include the account manager in CC.

Our specialist integrations team will work with you to confirm the scope of your integration and ensure it will perform how you expect.

  1. Approval - From there, you will be provided with a quote for any associated integration implementation costs for approval.

  2. Implementation - Once approved, implementation will begin. We will need:

    • Cin7 Core Account ID
    • Cin7 Core API Key
    • Details on your preferred workflow and any customizations
  3. Handover & Testing - Once completed, we will let you know and you can conduct your own testing to confirm everything is working as expected.

Setup FAQs

Q: How long does it take to setup my integration?

Most Cin7 Core integrations can be setup inside of 2-3 business days from when we receive API access.

Q: Am I able to setup the integration myself?

We do not currently offer self-setup for our integrations due to the amount of customisation and testing required when linking your integration to your MachShip account.

Q: My requirements differ from what you've laid out, can you customise the integration?

We do have the ability to customise our integrations for each client to a large degree.

Simply reach out to our integrations team at with your requirements and we will let you know what we can do.

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