This guide explains how to edit existing consignments using the MachShip API. Common edit operations include:
This guide covers standard editing workflows where MachShip manages carrier consignment IDs and item references/barcodes. For editing consignments when delegating your own item references, see our Delegated References Guide.
Before editing a consignment, you'll need:
First, create your consignment using one of these endpoints:
POST /apiv2/consignments/createConsignment
For standard items, or:
POST /apiv2/consignments/createConsignmentwithComplexItems
For consignments with dangerous goods.
Important: Store the returned
value from the response. You'll need this MachShip consignment ID for subsequent steps.
If you only have the carrier's consignment ID, you can retrieve the MachShip ID using:
GET /apiv2/consignments/returnConsignmentsByCarrierConsignmentId
To edit a consignment, first retrieve its current state:
GET /apiv2/consignments/getUnmanifestedConsignmentForEdit
Required parameter:
: The MachShip consignment ID from step 1This endpoint returns the full consignment data in an editable format.
Take the response from step 2 and modify the data as needed. You can:
Send your modified payload to:
POST /apiv2/consignments/editUnmanifestedConsignment
The response will contain your updated consignment. Verify that the item references and consignment ID match your expectations.
To add a new item, include it in the items array:
"itemType": "Carton",
"name": "Test Item",
"quantity": 1,
"standardItem": {
"height": 20.00000,
"weight": 1.00000,
"length": 20.00000,
"width": 20.00000
When editing existing items, you can modify any of these properties:
Label Implications: